Passenger Unlocks Airplane Door and Approaches Wing

The man may still be in jail, but it's not clear what charges he may face. Last Thursday, an odd thing happened on a flight from Mexico City to Guatemala: a passenger, angry about a long delay and the stifling heat, opened the emergency door and walked onto the wing. Due to a maintenance problem, the Aeromexico flight that was supposed to leave at 8:30am stayed on the tarmac for three hours. People got angry because there was no air conditioning or water available.  One passenger, who was not named, opened the escape door and stepped onto the wing in a dramatic show of protest. Officials at Mexico International Airport said no harm was done, but the man was still held by police. But his fellow passengers came together to support him and signed a handwritten message that was shared on social media. "All passengers on the flight from CDMX [Mexico City] to Guatemala [flight] AM 0672 state that the passenger on board who opened the emergency window was for the protection of everyo...

Distinct Types To Design a Logo


In our daily routine of life, we saw a lot of logos but we never give it a thought. Logos are everywhere but most of the time we don’t even notice them. But we see them on a cup of tea, on our bike or car when we drive for work, and on our laptops, mobile phones.

When you start your business or your own brand, you also need a logo. It’s the really important question what type of logo design you should choose?

The answer to the question is the type of logo you choose is an essential part of how your business is recognized.

 There are different types of logos let's discuss them one by one.

Distinct types to design a logo

There is a total of seven types to design a logo are as follows:

  1. Wordmark (Text)
  2. Monogram logo or letter-mark
  3. Pictorial mark
  4. Abstract logo mark
  5. A Mascot logo
  6. Combination mark
  7. Emblems
1. Wordmark (Text)

A wordmark logo is very simple yet very elegant and easy to remember. It's best for those company names which are very exclusive. Wordmark or text logos are font-based a focal point on business name lone.

Wordmark logo design

wordmark logo designs


Google logo is one of the best examples of wordmark logos. It’s very classy and memorable. There are other many brands like YahooPinterest that fairly use simple logo designs for their company name.

Text-based logos are the best choice for smaller companies who have just freshly started their business.


  • It is very simple
  •  Easily memorized
  • Outstanding choice for a small brand


  •  Not work for long brand names
  • Need to upgrade font style to follow the trend

     2.   Monogram logos

Monogram or letter mark logos are similar to the wordmark logo. They are made up of text but emphasize the first letter of the company’s name.


mono gram logo design

The best example of a monogram logo is “IBM”. “IBM” makes a much snappy and more condensed logo than “international business machine”. Lettermark is a fine way to decrease your brand's name to a contraction.

A monogram logo is apparently more understandable than a logotype. You probably prefer to pronounce HBO as HBO rather than “Home Box Office”. The monogram is the obvious choice for your brand.


  •  If your company has a long name or multiple names it’s the best choice.
  • Looks elegant and professional
  • Upgradeable
  • Easy to memorable


  • Difficult to recognize in a crowd if you are new in the market it’s really hard to be recognized.


3.       Pictorial mark

As we listen from starting, a single picture is more worth than thousands of words. Similarly, the vision you choose for your company has more glorious, unique, and amazing. A symbol or icon that clearly illustrates an image or represents a specific brand or company is called a pictorial mark or brandmark.

brandmark design

Think about the Starbucks logo how outstanding it is, just a simple mermaid drawing is still very memorable. It’s very challenging for a new company to exploit a brandmark completely. So, choose a brandmark very wisely.



· Deliver ideas clearly with help of symbols.

· It is recognizable if your brand is very famous.



· Not the best option if your brand is not recognizable.


4.  Abstract logo mark

The abstract logo mark uses a combination of visual and typography together. This type of logo is used when you want to use the image as the logo but don’t want to restraint by precise representation.



The best example for the abstract logo is the “famous”, Nike and Pepsi logo.



  • It’s very unique
  • Easily to recognized and memorable


  •  Not the best option for new companies.

5.   Mascot logo

A type of logo that illustrates a single character that characterizes your company is called mascots. Just think of them as a representative for your company. The world-famous “KFC” logo is the best example of a mascot logo. Mostly, gaming and supports platforms prefer mascot logo designs.



"mascot logo design"

"example of mascot logo design"




  •  It is friendly and fun to be used.
  •   Memorable and unique
  • It can be used in different ways.


  • It’s really hard to replace a character.
  • It cannot be used for those brands who want to deliver a professional massage.
6. Combination Mark

Combination mark logos are very complicated because it takes a lot more time and effort to create them efficiently. It is a combined mixture of wordmark or lettermark and pictorial, abstract, or mascots logo. Mostly, the text is placed inside the picture of the logo or beside the image of the logo. Some designers place the text down the image of the logo. Here is some example as follows.

"example of Combination-mark logo design"



  • It gives you complete freedom to be as innovative as you want.
  • Best choice for new business.
  • it can be editable for the long term.

  • It looked overloaded because it used a lot of other types of logos to design.

7. The emblem (Text Inside Symbol)
"example of emblem logo design "

A type of logo that contains text inside a symbol or icon of the logo. Emblem logos are very inflexible because it cannot be separable when it is created. This kind of logo gives you a conventional appearance.


·       It gives a classical look to your brand.


·       It looks really bad when reducing the size of the logo.



You need to choose the best suitable type of logo for your business, brand, or company. A logo represents your brand identity. Once you choose the type of logo, you can select the best color scheme and font size details for your logo identity.


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